We at Harrow Independent College wish to support you in providing the best possible education for your children. We provide high quality career advice to all students aspiring for top Universities. With growing competition and increasing customer needs, companies are becoming more and more conscious about using advanced methods of analysing data and using it in making big decisions.
Today, Data Analytics is being recognised as a stand-alone profession by many companies. To provide higher education to students many top Universities have started courses in data analytics.We would like to invite you to attend a Seminar on Data Analytics and gain a career insight which
could guide you towards choosing a Career in Data Analytics.
Topics to be covered in the seminar are :
• What is Data Analytics?
• Data Analytics as an emerging career for students.
• Why data analytics is a big career move.
• Big companies offering career opportunities in Data Analytics.
• Data Analytics as one of the highest paid jobs worldwide.
• Universities offering education on Data Analytics.
Total Places available – 40 pupils of ages 16 and above(Only for students).